How does re-writing my resume help me in my job hunt?

When you submit your resume for a role, your resume goes through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Recruiters use an ATS to manage all the applications they get and find the top applicants for a role. This includes "reading your resume" to see how well it matches a job description. When your resume is written in a way that matches a job description, you have a better chance of being selected for an interview.

I don't have a resume. Can you write it for me?

No. This service is for optimizing an existing resume.

How do I write a resume?

Check out our guide here on Crafting an ATS-friendly resume.

How does the resume re-writing work?

Copy and paste the job description and your resume then hit submit. The AI reviews and rewrites your resume in the background then displays it right in front of you!

Are there any limits to usage?

On the free plan you get 5 uses every 30 days. The limit resets after that. For other plans, check out the pricing page.

Something went wrong, how can I get help?

Please reach out to support@flavoredresume.com